Care Buddies
This initiative was started in Winter 2020 as a response to the COVID 19 pandemic. Our mission is to address the need for more child care support in the healthcare community by connecting parents with pre-med students. In turn, we hope to provide pre-meds with unique opportunities to network with physicians/physicians-in-training.
Often times, healthcare professionals-in-training are under strict financial and time restrictions. We aim to alleviate some of these burdens by having "care buddies", or volunteer pre-meds, chaperone the children of busy healthcare professionals.

Our Care Buddies will do...
Chaperoning to and from places (ex: soccer practice to band rehearsal)
Playground visits
Arts & Crafts
Maker Projects
Board Games
And many more!

Since launching in January 2021, we've serviced 20 families across all five boroughs!


Sonia Chen
Hello! I'm Sonia. When COVID-19 struck, our nation's physicians rose to combat it. As many worked tirelessly around the clock to meet the surge in patients, I couldn't help but think of their kids. With the closing of in person schooling and the prolonged absence of their parent(s), the most vulnerable among us must be having a difficult time adjusting. In my job working with children, I was confronted with the lack of childcare resources available to families during this difficult period. Spurred on by my own experiences and the COVID-19 pandemic, I wanted to find a way to give back to the healthcare community in a lasting manner. And so, Care Buddies was born.
Founder, Co-President

Yehudit Cohen
Hi! My name is Yehudit Cohen. When I first heard about this initiative, Care Buddies, I immediately wanted to take part in it and contribute as much as I can. I’ve had a lot of experience working with children and being from a family of physicians, I’ve had firsthand experience on how difficult it can be to balance work and kids. This is especially applicable in medical school when one is just beginning to adjust to a new lifestyle. I want to be able to provide what I can to those giving so much of their life to others. I feel fortunate to have this opportunity to provide whatever childcare I can to the healthcare community.
We are always looking for new volunteers! If you would like to volunteer or know individuals who would benefit from our organization, please reach out!